Baby Maverick

This blog was created to keep family and friends updated on what's going on with the pregnancy, birth, and surgical plan for Maverick. We'll also be able to keep everyone updated during his surgery and recovery and hopefully be able to show you some cute pictures of him, Maddie, Carter and Chloe along the way.

This was the original intent; however, when we started this blog we had no idea the twists and turns our lives would take. Our sweet baby Maverick was born September 12, 2008 with Transposition of the Great Arteries, ASD, and VSD. We expected to have a baby boy to bring home three to four weeks after his surgery. He had numerous complications after his arterial switch and fought through many that would have taken the life from an adult. He passed away February 24, 2009 - without ever coming home.

This blog is now a place I share my feelings, work through the grief, remember Maverick, and try to make sense out of our life without him. I hope in doing so I am giving a name and a face to babies everywhere born with congenital heart defects.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

The kids have opened their presents. We had monkey bread for breakfast - everyone's favorite. The kids bundled up and ventured out into the snow and soon came back into the house complaining of how cold they were. We've enjoyed the morning, but I can't help but think of the little one that we're missing today - sweet baby Mav. He's having his first Christmas in Heaven. It must be so much more beautiful than even our white Christmas here. There are so many others with their little heart warriors sitting in the PICU's, CICU's and NICU's today praying that their children will get better. I remember that vividly. I've been updating the blog this morning as the kids are playing - why? Because it's important to me to DO SOMETHING to help the CHD community. I've often thought back to the day Mav was born and wondered, "Would anything have been different if we would have saved his cord blood?" I don't know the answer. I asked about it when we were admitted, but the nurse said there would be so much going on in the room that she didn't bring it up to me. I've read a recent study about adult patients that received stem cell transfusions immediately after a heart attack and they didn't require bypass surgery. I wonder if it would have helped his stiff right ventricle... or his kidneys... I seriously think that parents preparing for the birth of a heart baby should consider saving their cord blood. You never know what scientists will come up with next. Here's an interesting article about growing new heart valves. The physician I've been working with went to grand rounds at Children's a couple of weeks ago and this was one of the topics. Here's the link if you're interested -

There are some new links to websites at the right hand side of the page for your educational enjoyment. I'll post some pics of our Christmas Later today. Have a blessed day. Love you all - jc


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you all and especially little Mav. Thank you so much for the article. When we were pregnant with Owen and received his diagnosis, we asked his cardiologist if we should save the cord blood but she said it wouldn't help. That is kind of frustrating! Hopefully these advancements will be another important turning point in helping children with CHD's!
Lots of love,
Vanessa Blutrich <3

annamarie said...

Thanks for your post today..I think we all feel the same way. Want to do more for other CHD families. It's coming together. Merry Christmas to you, yours and little Mav in heaven.
Annamarie, 1in100

Anonymous said...

Hi Juli,

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been traveling a lot and trying to get through the holidays myself this year. A story for another time. I have been thinking a lot about you and your beautiful family and remembering baby Mav.

Love you,
